Welcome to Wild Bird Adventures

Exploring the Wild within and the Wild outside 

Welcome to Wildbird, specialising in spirited adventure for wild at heart women, The sacred heart of Tantric Bodywork and the deep opening of Tantra Yoga. These offerings call you to your wilder, more essential nature. Inviting the outside in and the inside out for greater personal freedom. 

About Wild Bird

Candace Beth Greeff Wild Bird

Hi, I’m Candace, my friends call me Billy, I’m a Tantric Journey facilitator, and a Tantra Yoga teacher, though mostly, I am a long aspiring Wildbird.

It makes me happy to journey barefoot, grubby, goofy and expanded in some of the most beautiful places the outside has to offer. I love how it shifts awareness and perception to grace, possibility and inspiration, while deeply nourishing not only my physical body… Not too long ago I needed it to bring me back to life, I needed it to remember my spirit and the sanctuary of my soul. I needed it to shake up my relationship with my body, challenging it to feel the glow of victory and the African sun. 

 Maybe you need it too?

I invite you to share in the joy and personal glory of it with me.


“To be wild means to be skin free, heart free and soul free. To be wild means to be led by the heart. And what I mean by the heart is the passion that ignites life and purpose in someone’s being. A wild woman is neither good nor bad; she is right in the middle, playfully creating her own sense of balance.”
~ Farah Ayaad

What I Offer


Bucket List worthy adventures inviting the outside in and the inside out. These adventures are for everyone, you don’t need to be an experienced yogi, or to have been on a stand up paddle board before, you don’t need to be into meditation or to have spent a certain kind of time in wild places before either. 


Tantric Bodywork

My work is an unintentional weaving together of primarily Hawaiian Shamanism, Hawaiian Bodywork, Tantra, and Tantric Bodywork principles where the present moment we are working in goes beyond right and wrong…and allows universal intelligence or truth to re-inform us a little and move us to a new perspective.


Tantra Yoga

I like to keep things simple and relatively slow for building strength, meditation in movement and steady expansion. Some days we need to shake things up and get in touch with our wilder self, some days we need to reign ourselves in and listen more intently…always, we need to be with ourselves and navigate from within.


Touch Training for Couples

Wildbird Tantric Bodywork Training for Partners:
With a little understanding, skill and presence we can release physical and emotional limitations for each other …while promoting fresh perspectives, and personal growth within relationship, through touch.


Quantum Energy Coaching

QEC is a simple technique to permanently change beliefs held in the subconscious. It uses cutting edge neuroscience, an optimal brain wave state and quantum theory principles to effectively ‘install’ positive, affirming beliefs… for a new outlook with new outcomes.


Wild Wear

Coming soon!